Third official ACTION Meeting, Cagliari, Italy, May 30-31, 2016

The third consortium meeting took place in the Meeting Room of the T-Hotel, Cagliari, May 30-31, 2016. Steering committee members organized this event in order to make the point on the project past months and to plan the future activities. Talks were given by: Prof Dorret Boomsma (Summary of ACTION structure and progress report on the first reporting period); Prof. Meike Bartels (GWAS aggression; Ewas meta-analysis aggression); Dr Natascha Stroo (management, financial reports, overview of submitted deliverables); Prof. Vassilios Fanos and his assistant Dr. Matteo Mauri (metabolomics, dissemination, newsletters, publications); Prof. Jaakko Kaprio (publications); Prof. Catrin Finkenauer (phenotype database); Robert Vermeieren (clinical needs and practices across Europe); Prof. Gitta Lubke (long term outcomes of aggression; phenotype harmonization); Prof. Henning Tiemeier (refining the aggression phenotype: a factor mixture model approach); Prof. Robert Plomin (genotype database); Dr. Kees Kluft (collection for urine); Prof. Thomas Hankemeier (metabolomics).
Related documents and presentations in the members area.