Other ACTION talks and presentations given during the first 18 months of project’s activities

A short summary of the other ACTION talks and presentations given by the project's staff during 2014 and 2015. The events already described in other threads of the website are not listed in this page.
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, Italian Congress of Neonatlogy, Rome, Italy, 09-11 October 2015
Middeldorp CM: ADHD polygenic risk scores predict ADHD and aggression in childhood and adolescence, but not anxiety and depression. Oral presentation on the World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, Copenhagen, 12-16 October 2014
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, National Meeting on Pediatric Nephrology, Padua, Italy, 16-18 October 2014
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, International Meeting of Obstetrics and Neonatology, Cuneo, Italy, 05-07 November 2014
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, National Meeting of Obstetrics, Florence, Italy, 21 November 2014
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, National Meeting on Perinatal Medicine, Milano, Italy, 27-29 November 2014
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, Int Meeting Union European Neonatal Perinatal Medicine, Athens, Greece, 21 November 2014
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, National Turkish Meeting of Pediatric Preventive Medicine, Ankara, Turkey, 18-20 December 2014
Middeldorp CM: Psychopathology in families. Who are alike and why? Academisch uurtje, Karakter, Nijmegen, 15 January 2015
Boomsma DI: What is behavior genetics. Public lecture organized by Natuurkundig Genootschap Wessel Knoops in Arnhem (1824). Arnhem 13 January 2015
Boomsma DI: Twin studies update. Public lecture organized by NVOM (Netherlands Organization of parents of Multiples). Amsterdam, 18 January 2015
Bartels M: Description of the ACTION project to understand individual differences in childhood aggression. Presentation at the Fifth annual workshop on the CATSS study. Stockholm, Sweden, 29 January 2015.
Boomsma DI: Heritabity of epigenic marks. Imperial College London - Genomics Seminar, 29 January 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, Foundation Italian DOHAD Society, Florence, Italy, 18 February 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, Meeting Pediatrics in Clinical Practice, Milan, Italy, 14 March 2015
Middeldorp CM: Psychopathology in parents of children seen in a child and adolescent psychiatric outpatient clinic: resemblance between family members and implications for treatment. Symposium: High risk families: evaluation and treatment of psychopathology in parents and children, chaired by CM Middeldorp on the 43rd Spring congress of the Dutch Psychiatric Association, Maastricht, 15 March 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, Scientific Meeting of Family Pediatricians, Rome, Italy, 11-12 April 2015
Boomsma DI: from gene to Behavior. Public lecture organized by Royal Dutch Academy of science, 15 April 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, DIP International Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 15-18 April 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, National Meeting of Obstetrics, Alghero, Italy, 21-22 April 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, National Meeting on Markers of Outcome, Pollenzo, Italy, 05-07 May 2015
Boomsma DI: Breakthroughs in twin research. SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Dalfsen, Nl, 01 June 2015
Lubke G: Genetic and environmental contributions to the development of aggression in Dutch twins between age 3 and age 16, 2015 BGA Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, 17-20 June 2015
Plomin R: Invited talk: Times Education Festival, Wellington College, UK, 18-19 June 2015
Plomin R: Invited talk: Mendelian Randomization: From Population Health to Pharmaceutical Development Conference, Bristol UK, 22-24 June 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, International Perinatal Collegium, Napa Valley, USA, 12-14 July 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, Romanian International Congress of Pediatrics, Timisoara, Romania, 02-05 September 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, JENS: Joint Int Congress European Neonatal Societies, Budapest, Hungary, 17-19 September 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, Italian Congress of Neonatlogy, Palermo, Italy, 23-26 September 2015
Boomsma DI: Molecule to Mind (and back). Keynote lecture for first year MA students Neuroscience Campus Amsterdam, 16 September 2015
Boomsma DI: Twins and “Omics” AMC Ruysch Lezing, 22 September 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, Inaugural Lecture with participation of Italian Ministry of Health at National Congress of Family Pediatricians, Rome, Italy, 01 October 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, National Meeting on Sleep Medicine, Pula, Italy, 02-03 October 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, (Mac Gill Seminars), Preterm Birth: Perinatal, Neonatal, and Postnatal Perspectives, Montreal, Canada, 08 October 2015
Van Dongen J: Epigenetics. Bachelor-3 Course “Nature versus Nurture” [AB_1057]. VU Amsterdam, 15 October 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, National Meeting Italian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Milano, Italy, 19 October 2015
Van Dongen J: Big data and multifactorial diseases. Metis Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam. Guest lecture at a high school (grade 5 and 6 high school), 27 October 2015
Boomsma DI: Genetic Screening: Who, Why and When? Royal Dutch Academy of science. Amsterdam, 03 November 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, Meeting on management of post-partum hemorrage and creation of a new family, Massa-Carrara, Italy, 07 November 2015
Boomsma DI: Nature or nurture: knowledge gained from twin research. Nl Vereniging Kinderartsen (NVK: Dutch association of pediatricians), Veldhoven, 05 November 2015
Mitchell Rieff (intern at GBS): The role of the laboratory analysis on the scale necessary for biobanking and the general approach of using population studies and particularly twins for identifying biomarkers for behavioral difficulties. Presentation at Biotech MLO program Hogeschool Leiden, 09 November 2015
Anne Hendriks: poster presentation about the ACTION research during the VNOP ISED CAS Research Days at the Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands, 12-13 November 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, Nordic Neonatal Meeting, Malmo,Sweden, 26-27 November 2015
Fanos V: Lecture on Metabolomics, quoting ACTION Project, National Meeting on Perinatal Medicine, Assisi, Italy, 03-05 December 2015
Van Dongen J: Epigenetics. Master of Neuroscience Course “Behavior genetics”. VU Amsterdam 08 December 2015
Boomsma DI: Recent insights from twin studies. Public lecture organized by NVOM (Netherlands Organization of parents of Multiples). Amersfoort, 17 January 2016