Other ACTION talks and presentations given in 2016 and 2017

A short summary of the other ACTION talks and presentations given by the project's staff during 2016 and the first half of 2017. The events already described in other threads of the website may be not listed in this page.
Dorret Boomsma, Recent insights from twin studies. Public lecture organized by NVOM (Netherlands Organization of parents of Multiples), Amersfoort, Netherlands, January 17, 2016
Anne M. Hendriks., ACTION: WP6, poster presentation at International workshop on statistical genetic methods for human complex traits, St Julien Hotel and Spa Resort Boulder, Colorado, US, March 6, 2016
Robert Plomin, "Genetics of Intelligence", talk at the World Conference on Personality, Buzios, Brazil, March 31, 2016
Raluca Gatej., Poster Presentation: “Inventory of European diagnostic and treatment guidelines and clinical practices for children (6-12 years) with severe behaviour problems (SBPs). 5th International Congress of the European Association for Forensic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychology and other involved Professions (EFCAP), Portugal, May 11-13 2016
Dorret Boomsma, Multi-generational transmission. NSCR (Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving). International symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 17, 2016
Eva Krapohl, The Nature Of Nurture: Education-Associated Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Explain Variation In Childrens Home Environments And In Their Associations With Child Outcomestalk at the Behavior Genetics Association Annual meeting in Brisbane, Australia, June 21, 2016
Robert Porsch, Eva Khrapohl A cross-cultural comparison of the longitudinal genetic architecture of Aggression, Behavior Genetics Association Annual meeting in Brisbane, Australia, June 23, 2016
Eero Vuoksimaa. Aggression and academic achievement in adolescence – genetic and environmental effects and the role of direct versus indirect aggression, Behavior Genetics Association Annual meeting in Brisbane, Australia, June 23, 2016
Lucia Colodro Conde, Heritability of different aggression phenotypes in an Australian and a Dutch cohort, Annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, Behavior Genetics Association Annual meeting in Brisbane, Australia, June 23, 2016
Fiona Hagenbeek, Genome-wide pleiotropy of adult aggression and blood plasma metabolites, Behavior Genetics Association Annual meeting in Brisbane, Australia, June 23, 2016
Jenny van Dongen, Epigenome-wide association study meta-analysis of aggressive behavior, Behavior Genetics Association Annual meeting in Brisbane, Australia, June 23, 2016
Michel Nivard, Multivariate and repeated measure GWAS of aggression phenotypes, Behavior Genetics Association Annual meeting in Brisbane, Australia, June 23, 2016
Robert Plomin, Invited talk at the International Society for Intelligence Research, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 15, 2015
Hagenbeek, FA, Kluft, C, Harms, A, Berger, R, Hankemeier, T, Bartels, M and Boomsma, DI. “Biomarkers and Metabolomics of Childhood Aggression”. Poster presentation at FP7 Aggression Autumn School, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2016
Hagenbeek, FA, Nivard, MG, Pool, R, Draisma, HHM, Hottenga, JJ, Willemsen, G, Abellaoui, A, Harms, A, BBMRI-NL, Hankemeier, T, Bartels, M and Boomsma, DI. “Genome-wide Heritability of Metabolomics-derived Blood Metabolites” Poster presentation at VU Science Exchange Day 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 30, 2016
Dorret Boomsma, Recent results in childhood studies from GWAS. Consortium Individual Developement, yearly international meeting Utrecht. October 28, 2016
Robert Plomin, Talk at “Better Data", London, UK, October 26, 2016
Luningham, J.M., Integrative data analysis for genome-wide association studies. Presented at the University of Amsterdam Psychological Methods Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 2016
Anne M. Hendriks., Childhood aggression: Synthesis of reviews and meta-analyses to reveal patterns and opportunities of current prevention and intervention strategies, CaRe days, Buitenplaats Vaeshartelt, Maastricht, , Netherlands, May 18, 2017