"Prediction of Aggression by ADHD subscales in children and adults". 48th BGA Annual Meeting, Boston, US, June 20-23, 2018

During the 48th Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association which will take place in Boston from June 20 to 23, 2018, some results from the ACTION research will be presented during the talk "Prediction of Aggression by ADHD subscales in children and adults", by prof. Dorret Boomsma.
Details of the talk:
Prediction of Aggression by ADHD subscales in children and adults
Saturday, June 23, 10:30 a.m.
Prof. Dorret Boomsma (Department of Biological Psychology, VU University); co-authors: Conor Dolan (Department of Biological Psychology, VU University), Meike Bartels (Department of Biological Psychology, VU University), Tom Claassen (Radboud University), Jeffrey Glennon (Radboud Univ, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour), MATRICS Consortium (Radboud University), ACTION Consortium (Department of Biological Psychology, VU University).
The talk will focuses also on:
- GWA meta-analysis of longitudinal Attention Problems
- EWAS meta-analyses of Aggression and epigenetics data
- GxE studies
- Biomaker & metabolomics studies of Aggression
- (genetic) epidemiological and outcome studies
Here the detailed agenda of the event is available.